As we transition into an astrological new year we step into the beginning of spring & today, 21st March 2023 @ 17:23 GMT marks the first of two new moons in go getting Aries mark a very special opportunity to make a fresh start.
Use this fire starting energy to initiate change or action for new beginnings in your life. Think about what your first steps will be to bring alignment to where you are now & where you desire to be ~ follow your instinct & be bold.
Take note that things don't have to be perfect right now, what's important is your intention & planting the seed.
Astrologically there is a lot of significant change and fresh energy. Take a moment to really lean into your long term visions & goals ~ what has your logical or critical mind been holding you back from doing? Now is the time to get those plans in order & take advantage of the positivity & opportunities that await us.
The key is finding balance & harmony between fulfilling our own desires with meeting the expectations of others.
The second New Moon in Aries will be on the 20th April 2023.
I have pulled two tarot cards to help us enquire further into this energy.
The first is The 6 of Cups signifying

In a general context of the collective, the Six of Cups Tarot card can represent a theme around nostalgia, childhood memories or generally focusing on the past.
When looking at this card I get an overall message that the familiarity of the past can sometimes hold us back from making the steps we need to take in the present (familiar feels safe & comforting regardless of whether it is actually good for us or not). When we look back it's easy to see things through rose tinted glasses or even to have regret & think about how if we'd made a certain connection or made a different move, things could all be so different.... But all we actually have is the now. Everything that has already happened is in the past, but what we can take from it is a lesson for the future.
There is a message of connection & relationships with others & how these connections effect our present. What does this bring up for you?
Take from this card the message of childhood innocence and awe at the world & our surroundings. Lean into the magicalness of life and give yourself permission to be more playful, spontaneous & creative. How can you connect back to you most authentic self without drawing on the influence of all the outside noise from our surroundings, upbringing & lived experience?
When you connect to your intuition ~ where is it guiding you?
After choosing the first card I felt it needed a little more context & pulled the 2nd for myself but feel it's got a really nice message that resonates with the Aries energy & hopefully means something to you too.
The second tarot card is The 8 of Wands signifying:

his Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. You can expect to be very busy, but this is one of those ‘good busy’ periods during which you are enthusiastic about the progress you are making.
The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this forward momentum to manifest your goals and dreams. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. Trying to slow things down because you’re not ready or you’re fearful about the unknown will just waste this opportunity. Use the energy instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results.
The Eight of Wands also invites you to be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all of your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will. This experience can be highly productive, allowing you to accomplish a lot in a short time.
With the Eight of Wands, you can look forward to the rapid completion of a project currently underway, but you can also expect to be occupied by something new and even more exciting soon. There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. To maximise this energy, make sure your activities align with your broader goals and invest in the right things at the right time. Also, make sure your previous task is complete before you move to the next one.
This card is a sign to ‘strike while the iron is hot.’ It is most definitely an action-oriented card that encourages you to move quickly to pursue the best opportunities available. There is no waiting around while the Eight of Wands is present, so determine where your energy should go and get on with it!"
Read my main take aways from this reading & astrological energy to inform your journal prompts for the upcoming New Moon.
1/ Have you felt a shift or feeling of transformation/ change coming up for you?
How have you changed over the past year/ two years?
What parts of your self do you want let go of & what do you want to take forward?
2/ Who do you want to be? (Bold? Decisive? Compassionate?)
If you were already that person what would they be doing?
What steps can you take to lead you to having the life you desire?
3/ Where in you life are you be asked to be bold & you're holding back?
Do you need to step out of your comfort zone?
4/ What lights your fire?
What seeds can you plant now & nurture in through this new cycle?
I hope this reading gives you some guidance on your next chapter.
All my love,
Lou xx
Crystals I recommend to support you in this new energy.
~ for courage & good luck
~ for new begginings & transformation.
~ for positivity, abundance, creativity & manifestation.
~ for focus, clarity & connecting to your intuition
~ for fire energy.